We're all for reusable bags - of any sort!
A lot of Australians are happily making the switch to more and more reusable products daily. And whilst this is great, we all need to be aware of how to clean our reusables properly to eliminate the possibility of spreading any potential germs.
So let's talk about cleaning our reusable Aussie Bread Bags.
There's plenty of great features that our founder, Holly Cabarrus, wove into an Aussie Bread Bag upon creation. But the mum of three knew that there was one absolute essential feature to be included.
Wanting Aussie Bread Bags in every household across Australia, Holly knew that ease of use (and maintenance) had to be at the forefront for busy parents to find it easy to make the change. That's why machine washable was at the top of the list!
After all, how easy is it to just be able to chuck your reusable cups in your dishwasher without special instructions?! Well, the same goes for Aussie Bread Bags!
Usually, just shaking out the crumbs (tip* we do it outside to give the birds a little treat too) in between uses is enough, but if there's ever a time, you accidentally smear jam all over your bread bag, you can chuck it in with your normal load of washing.
How good is that!
To become part of the solution sweeping across Australia and completely eliminate your need for plastic when it comes to buying your bread, get yourself an Aussie Bread Bag here.