Confused about what the difference is between biodegradable, degradable and compostable? What to buy?! Well, hopefully this blog will clear a few things up for you.
‘What is the big deal with single use plastics?’ I hear your perplexed voice ask. ‘Why do plastics continually get such a bad rap?’ ‘They are all biodegradable and breakdown, eventually don’t they?’ Great questions! Plastics are a huge deal in our world today and they deservedly get a bad rap. Let’s have a look at the facts… Plastics take FOREVER to biodegrade. The truth is plastics don’t break down quickly or decompose easily at all or by any stretch of your imagination. It can take some plastics up to 1000 years to break down and decompose completely. A plastic bottle can take up to 450 years to degrade, while a plastic bread bag can take up to 10 years...
Single use plastics… We’ve all heard the term flying around like a plastic bread bag on a windy day. But do we really know what single use plastics are? We’ve heard the term used in many ways, and in a lot of different contexts, some right and many wrong. If someone asked you to give them a definition of a single use plastic, what would you say? So, what exactly are single use plastics? Whether you call them disposable plastics or single use plastics, these are the items or packaging that seem to be covering or containing everything we come into contact with today. Some examples please? Up until 12 months ago, the most common example of single use plastics...