Blog — reusable shopping bag RSS

Week #6. Use cloth shopping bags.

In recent years in Australia, there has been lots of talk about single use plastics and their effect on the environment. With this has become the norm of shoppers using their own reusable bags when they go shopping. And stores are also starting to give the option of paying for reusable bags to be purchased from their store along with the customers purchase or at least posing the question, “Do you require a bag today?”. This is great as it then has forced the customers hand to make the choice and ideally at some point has purchased a reusable cloth bag. Reuse vs. Single Use While we acknowledge that it takes much less energy and resources to produce a single use plastic bag over a reusable...

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Why are single use plastics such a problem?

‘What is the big deal with single use plastics?’ I hear your perplexed voice ask. ‘Why do plastics continually get such a bad rap?’ ‘They are all biodegradable and breakdown, eventually don’t they?’ Great questions! Plastics are a huge deal in our world today and they deservedly get a bad rap. Let’s have a look at the facts… Plastics take FOREVER to biodegrade. The truth is plastics don’t break down quickly or decompose easily at all or by any stretch of your imagination.  It can take some plastics up to 1000 years to break down and decompose completely. A plastic bottle can take up to 450 years to degrade, while a plastic bread bag can take up to 10 years...

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Keeping your bread fresh

The most common question I'm asked in this business is, 'will the bags keep the bread fresher for longer'?  And the short answer is 'no'. They were not created to extend your breads shelf life. And so they shouldn't.  Aussie Bread Bags was brought to life to help combat the single use plastic problem we have in Australia. We have done it for grocery shopping bags, so I don't see why we shouldn't be applying this method to every plastic option we currently have in place for convenience including bread bags. They are made from a breathable fabric that allows the bread to breathe whilst in the bag and to disallow any potential of mould to grow from the moisture...

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Change is good

By now, most of us are aware of the damage single use plastics are doing to our planet. From their manufacturing to their disposal, plastics in general are a non sustainable option. The biggest problem we face (apart from dealing with all the already 'used' plastics in the world, but that's another story) is helping people to overcome the convenience that is plastic. I personally have ran into this problem a lot lately when chatting with bakeries about stocking Aussie Bread Bags. I've had mixed responses. Some bakeries are all for it, keen to give their customers a more sustainable option and help lessen their plastic footprint, others however seem somehow offended? How dare I insinuate that they are part of the...

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Reusable Bread Bags

Australians alone throw over one million plastic bread bags into landfill every single day. More than 400,000,000 plastic bread bags each year!  Most people these days will eat some sort of bread daily. Whether it be toast for breakfast, a fresh sandwich for lunch, or needing breadcrumbs to crumb a schnitzel for dinner. Bread is usually a staple in family homes around Australia.  So, how can we stop the plastic contribution coming from bread? Easy! By getting yourself a reusable bread bag! We’re already making the switch from single use plastic shopping bags currently in Australia, so why can't we do exactly the same for the bags that we collect, transport and store our breads in? Once you have your very...

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